Churrascaria Palace Review – An Authentic Brazilian Spot in Rio

Despite being an infamously picky eater, there is one food type I never shy away from, and that is meat. I often spend my time daydreaming about that perfect steak, succulent pork, or flame grilled chicken.

When I am home in North America I love to frequent the Brazilian barbecue houses and load my plate, so naturally I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to eat at an authentic churrascaria while in Rio de Janeiro.

I set my sights (and my appetite) on Churrascaria Palace downtown in Copacabana. Founded in 1951 and still going strong, coupled with the high praise on review sites, I figured it was a good bet.

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Buenos Aires Zoo – Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

When I went to Thailand a couple years ago, we went and saw the tigers. While we enjoyed being around “wild” animals, we despaired over the fact that they were quite likely drugged. Or at least the adults were. Yet we went anyway.

When in Buenos Aires, I was again faced with the ethical dilemma of visiting a zoo that possibly drugged its animals. The TripAdvisor reviews were mixed. About 20% claimed that it was unethical and the animals must be drugged. The rest made no mention of the fact. The website claimed it raised the big cats with dogs and domesticated them.

In the end, curiosity won out and I went. And I am glad I did.

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Buenos Aires Restaurant Review – The Argentine Experience

The highest ranked thing to do in Buenos Aires was surprisingly a dining experience called the Argentine Experience in the lovely Palermo district. With nothing planned for the night, I signed up and off I went. The words “steak” and “unlimited wine” were calling my name.

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What is Life Like Onboard an Antarctica Cruise Ship?

The second most common question I got about my trip traveling to Antarctica, right after “Did you see a lot of polar bears?”, was what you do both in Antarctica and while trapped on the ship.

To be fair, before I set off, I had no real clue of expectations, so let me fill you in.

Quite unexpectedly, I’ve never felt more busy in my travels than on this trip.

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