Visit CERN – Geneva’s Best Kept Secret Tour for Science Fans

It is not often that our college education and travel meet on common ground, but when they do there is always an interesting outcome.  You see, Angie and I are nerds.  Engineers to be precise.  We're big fans of science, raw data, and craving the unattainable at the same time.  We travel to find the unknown and use our engineering skill sets when we plan, often a bit too much.

But sometimes our travels bring us back to science, and our recent visit to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland did just that.  As soon as we learned of the free tours offered at the research facility, we knew it would be the top spot for us to visit in the city and we reserved our spot.

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Exploring the Iconic Bordeaux Wine Region without a Car

Exploring the vineyards of Bordeaux wine regionWhen you think of Bordeaux, you may think of a city that is overflowing with wine.  A place where you can walk down any street corner, find a vineyard's storefront, and have a chance to try as many different varieties as you would like. 

We did.

It is a common thought for such a famous wine city to boast its creations everywhere you see.  In many cases this is true.  But if you're visiting Bordeaux, do not expect that.  To truly understand the region's love of wine you need to get out of the city.

If you don't, you won't be seeing much of anything.

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Missing Siesta Time in Seville

Without a doubt, Seville was my favorite city we stayed in during our honeymoon in Spain. Angie and I bicker about this one quite a bit because her heart was left in Granada (read our Granada restaurant review to find out why), but something about Seville keeps dragging me back. 

It is hard to say what exactly about the city has the allure to me, other than its amazing architecture and tasty, cheap Spanish food.

Whether or not we settle this argument is one thing but one major piece of information is true, we both agree that our stay in Seville was one of the hottest during our time in Spain. 

Even though I have significant disdain for being excessively hot while traveling, as I found out while spending three weeks traveling the Middle East in August, something about this hot weather in Spain is inviting.  It could be that it is a dry heat and not humid like we have at home, but there is something far more important at play that makes this weather bearable: the siesta.

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