Facebook Marketing – Which Country Performs the Best?

Boost Result

As a part of our #myRTW campaign on social media we are publishing weekly destination features from our travels.  Between ourselves and our staff we have covered 75 countries around the world, so we have no shortage of content to put out there for everyone to see.

Now that we have completed fifteen twenty twenty-five weeks of #myRTW updates from around the world, we wanted to take a look at the countries featured on Facebook to see if any significant performers came about.

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These Posts Won’t Help You Get 100,000 Page Views Per Month

No Blogging Help Here

I’ve Googled a lot when it comes to improving a travel blog. 

Weeks worth of searching for every tip, piece of advice, or insider secret there is in order to build my blog to 100,000 page views per month (and a dream $100,000 per year blogging income). Why is this arbitrary figure important to me? I really have no clue, but it certainly sounds nice, doesn’t it? For me, this represents a five-fold traffic increase from my current figures, and seemed like a good 12-month target to give myself.

So I began searching for what to do in order to make that happen.

What did I discover from that search?  The people who write about hitting that magic figure have no idea how they got there.  Seriously!

I’m here to tell you that nearly everyone who tries to explain how they got X number of page views within just a few months of work is absolutely, 100%, clueless.

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Blogger vs WordPress – Tips for Starting Your Blog

Blogger Homepage

Deciding to start a travel blog for your long-term trip is a big one. Whether you blog to keep friends and family updated, or open a site to run professionally, blogging your journey adds a new assortment of topics you must plan for in addition to your every day travels.

Our Blog Your Trip series is designed to help answer these questions and give you travel blogging ideas as well as the tools to run a successful blog through giving away all of our own secrets!  

But before we get to that, we have to start at the beginning. To start, we have to ask one of the first questions you may find yourself facing: where are you going to blog? And the answer goes a bit deeper than simply asking Blogger vs WordPress.

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Picking the Right Travel Blog Name is the Hardest Part

Travel Blog Names

What is in a name?  Well, if you are talking about the name of a blog, probably a lot.

The problem with a blog name is that it is the first piece of information a potential reader sees on your site. There is no single element that is more reflective of your travel blog idea than a name, and any connotations that arise from that name will stick with potential readers for a very long time- and may even influence whether they open your page at all!

If your name talks about you being broke, you’re probably not going to attract luxury travelers or sponsors. If you brand yourself as a party addict, those who don’t party may not open up your page.

This trend can extend to any name or theme, so being careful with your choice before registering a domain is very important!

So what can you do to come up with a great name and niche for your new travel blog? Today we cover a few of our best tips to consider on this important topic.

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