How Much Does Travel to Egypt Cost? 8 Days as a Backpacker

Traveling to Egypt right now might just be the best financial decision you will ever make. If seeing the Pyramids and other amazing temples in Egypt is on your bucket list, you are in for a treat!

While travelling through Egypt, I felt like I was spending money left and right, especially with all the scams I have had to deal with; However, after a careful tally of how many Egyptian pounds I actually spend, it turns out it wasn’t so bad after all!

Here is my complete 8 days spending breakdown in Egypt.

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Escape from Cairo – Enduring Egypt’s Travel Scams

Never in my life have I traveled to a place where I felt so trapped. It wasn’t because Cairo was dangerous to tourists per say, it was because of two main reasons:

1. At every turn, you can expect someone in this city to scam, or lie to with in order to squeeze every penny out of you.
2. The pollution!

The moment we arrived in Egypt, the scams began right away:

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