The Freshest Cup of Colombian Coffee You’ll Ever Have

Published by Angie. Last Updated on July 9, 2022.

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Colombia is an interesting destination for coffee lovers.

Just because Colombia is the third largest producer of coffee in the world doesn't mean you can easily find a great cup of joe there.

Similarly to the great cacao produced in Ecuador, in the recent past pretty much all of the great coffee produced in Colombia has been exported to other countries.

That left Colombia with low-quality beans and people who didn't necessarily know how to roast and brew coffee.

Luckily, over the past few years, specialty coffee shops focused on local brews have popped up all over the place and coffee farms have started opening their doors to visitors.

It's now possible to see first hand how coffee is grown and processed, and even taste some coffee brewed from the high-quality beans that farmers are starting to keep behind to sell to tourists.

Perhaps the most beautiful place to start your exploration of the Colombian coffee region is Salento. With several coffee farms within walking distance of town, well-preserved and brightly colored architecture, and the Cocora Valley with the world's tallest palm trees nearby, Salento makes a great place to spend a few days.

We toured three fincas during our time there, each having their own unique philosophies on growing coffee and each providing different and insightful information on this revered plant.

Don Elias

Green coffee beans

This is an organic, family-owned operation that's about an hour's walk outside of Salento. They own 8 hectares which may not sound like much, but considering the average finca in Colombia is only 3-4 hectares, it's pretty big.

First, we toured the farm itself, which was really beautiful, lush, and green.

They plant lots of fruit and vegetables amongst the coffee to provide shade for the coffee plants. These other plants also serve as decoy plants for insects since the farm doesn't use pesticides.

We next learned about the different steps in processing including removing the coffee cherry skin, fermenting the beans, drying the beans, removing the parchment, and roasting. We got to use a hand grinder to grind some freshly roasted beans- the smell was intoxicating!

Last, but certainly not least, we got to try a cup of their amazing coffee. It was prepared drip-style using a fine-mesh cloth filter hung over a collection vessel, which seems to be the standard way of preparing coffee in Colombia.

The coffee was very balanced with a pleasant acidity and round body.

It was so good that even Jeremy, a sworn coffee hater, loved it (after adding sugar at least)! Even though the flavors will likely be diminished by the time we get home, we couldn't resist buying two bags.

There's no set time for tours here- just show up. Our tour was in Spanish but a family friend came halfway through the tour who is sometimes there to give tours in English.

El Ocaso

Harvesting coffee in Colombia

Whereas the tour at Don Elias was very intimate and family style, the tour at El Ocoso had a more corporate feeling. Although their signs advertise tours in English, this was not an option that was offered to us.

At the beginning of the tour, we donned baskets around our waist and got to pick our own coffee cherries. As it wasn't harvest season, the ripe, red cherries were really difficult to find! Next, we learned about the processing steps, which were pretty much the same as at Don Elias, but on a larger scale.

They have a really huge machine for removing the skin from the coffee cherry and an oven for drying the beans (whereas the beans at Don Elias are only sun-dried).

We also learned that as a final step before being bagged, the coffee is meticulously sorted by women who remove the second quality beans. These beans are black and were picked when they were either too ripe or not ripe enough. F

or the tasting portion of the tour, the coffee was prepared in the same method as at Don Elias using a fine mesh cloth filter. However, the coffee was a big letdown. It tasted very under extracted and thin.

I'm guessing they should have left the brewing to a staff member and not a tourist who had never done it before! Needless to say, we weren't very inspired to buy any beans here.

Processing coffee cherries

Plantation House (Finca Don Eduardo)

The freshest cup of coffee

This was by far the most comprehensive coffee tour that we took in Salento. The tour was given by the owner, Tim, in English and with great detail.

Finca Don Eduardo is a relatively young farm at only six years old, (although their land has always been a coffee farm for the past 100 years), so their coffee plants have just recently begun producing fruit.

The farm has won several awards for sustainability and uses similar practices as Don Elias for planting shade trees and insect decoy plants. The farm grows four different kinds of Arabica beans, two of which are traditional plants and 2 of which are modern hybrids.

We got to see the difference between traditional and modern plants as well as taste coffee from both types of plants.

My favorite part was that we actually got to witness the stovetop roasting of beans which we then ground and brewed into an incredibly fresh and tasty cup of coffee.

I preferred the coffee brewed from the modern beans as it was extremely full-bodied with a rich mouthfeel and finished with just the right amount of acidity.

Overall, this was a great tour where I learned so much from Tim, who is very passionate about producing quality coffee.

The tour in English starts at 9am every day and lasts at least three hours, with the option to wander around the farm and its bamboo forest at your leisure after the tour is over.

Colombian coffee

Have you ever tried Colombian coffee in Colombia? What did you think? Comment below to join the conversation!

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About Angie

Angie from Living the Dream

About the Author: Angie is a contributing author. She has been to nearly 60 countries and seeks out the best restaurants, bars, bakeries, and other unique food items wherever she goes- often with her husband, Jeremy.

3 thoughts on “The Freshest Cup of Colombian Coffee You’ll Ever Have”

  1. We recently visited the Ocaso coffee finca and took a tour. I guess we were lucky as there was a tour guide who spoke English and gave us a very interesting tour. He made the coffee at the end. It tasted unlike any coffee I have had in the States. Very fresh with many levels of flavor. We bought a bag but now regret that we didn’t buy more. I will be looking into buying some through mail if it’s not too expensive to do so.


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