Tips and Tricks for Hanging a Turkish Lamp at Home

Hanging a Turkish Lamp at Home

If you've ever visited Istanbul, you'll no doubt have seen hundreds upon hundreds of the gorgeous and ornate Turkish lamps that are found throughout the city.  Our first thought was that these lamps were pretty awesome, and without hesitating we began a quest to to buy one for our (at the time) future home.

This was all well and good, but there was one problem: we had no idea how to make it work when we got home.

Luckily for us, modifying the lamp turned out to be incredibly easy, and you don't have to be an engineer with an electrician for a father to figure it all out (that being said, I'll give you one guess which category we fell into). 

But if you have reservations about making your Turkish lamp working at home, this step-by-step guide is all you need to take your boxed up lamp and turn it into the star attraction of a room!

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7 Things to Do Outside of a Cancun All Inclusive Hotel

Akumal Beach

We've all heard the stories- Cancun is synonymous with spring breakers and all-inclusive resorts. I grew up with this mindset for so long that I never really considered the Yucatan as a destination to visit purely because neither of those travel styles really stood out to me. It took several years, but when I finally made it to the Yucatan I found a plethora of activities that were so far removed from the party and resort crowd that I was upset that I didn't consider visiting earlier.

If you do it right, you can avoid all of the stereotypes that come with the Yucatan and have an incredible experience. During our travels around the Yucatan, we found seven stellar attractions you may be interested in checking out if you are looking to get away from the resort mindset. (Or, if you are interested in staying at a resort, we have seven reasons why you should here!)

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8 Interview Questions to Deal With After Long-Term Travel

Oh job interviews.  Some people hate them while others, like myself, thrive in them.  After getting back from our long-term trip, Angie and I began looking for jobs in our respective fields and we knew that accounting for our career break was something that we were going to have to talk about with just about everyone we spoke with. But what we didn't anticipate was just how wide the question types would be.   From the standard and predictable to the down right weird and off the wall, we quickly realized that we had to be prepared for just about anything.

The following are eight of the favorites that we have encountered.

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World Nomads Review – Travel Insurance Saved Our Trip

Before heading off on our 15-month long-term trip, I had traveled quite significantly with not even a blip on the trouble radar.   Where this may give some travelers a false since of protection, I follow enough blogging friends who travel full-time to know one simple truth: the more you travel, the odds of something bad happening go up.

This may happen to you on the very first day, six months down the road, or not even for several years. Regardless of the answer to “when,” odds are with you that at some point in time trouble is going to find you.

On this long-term trip we had trouble find us quite a few times, and I am incredibly grateful to have had the foresight to buy long stay travel insurance from World Nomads. Reviews said they were great in filing a claim, and we have to say, in the end they really saved the day.

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